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Dr. Michael Waterman, Dr. Steve Ohlbaum, Dr. Katie Bono, and Dr. Sam Bono have passed the NYS Oral Pharmaceutical agents Certification Examination.


New Hartford, NY Sunday, March, 5, 2023

On October 25, 2021 Governor Kathy Hochul signed into law a longstanding bill that would authorize optometrists to prescribe and use certain oral medications in the treatment of their patients. The NYS Orals Bill specifies that optometrists wishing to prescribe selected oral pharmaceutical agents attend a 40-hour certification course and pass an examination based on the material in the course. This will permit optometrists to advance their professional skills and knowledge, allowing them to prescribe a formulary of pharmaceutical agents for the treatment of eye disease. The provisions of this new law will take effect in 2 years, with the intervening time being necessary for the New York State Education Department to adopt regulations and to undertake certain administrative tasks, including developing an orals curriculum and test and continuing education materials.

Optometrists have had the ability to use diagnostic topical drugs since the mid-1980s and therapeutic topical drugs since the mid-1990s; however, Optometrists remain unable to prescribe oral medications for the treatment of eye disease.

(NYSOA) New York State Optometric Association- “We are especially appreciative of you – our Doctor of Optometry and your families – who have tirelessly advocated for this legislation – through in-person meetings, phone calls, letters, and emails – before hundreds of legislators and their staff over the last many years. New York State’s optometrists will now be better able to help their patients and improve access to primary eye care and treatment. This is an important milestone toward ensuring New Yorkers receive the care they deserve!”

We are very proud of our doctors here at New Hartford Eye Associates. It took a lot of studying and time for them to pass this exam.


OUR focus is YOU
Since 2006, New Hartford Eye Associates has served as a dedicated and caring provider of quality health and vision services to New Hartford and surrounding communities. Our experienced team of eye care professionals offers comprehensive eye exams, quality lenses and frames, and more. By leveraging advanced diagnostic technology, we are committed to improving the quality of life of our community through enhanced vision. NHEA has won the Mohawk Valley Best of the Best award for six (6) in a row.